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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sql bacis

To create an sql database .open SQL Server Management Studio new query.copy paste the below into that window( first create a database
using create database.then create a table in that using create table
below us the queries for that.)

create database Example
use Example

selct the two lines and click execute query.always select the lines which you want to run ,then only click execute query
now you created a step is to create a table

--1.MemberLogin Table

create table MemberLogin       
Mid int primary key identity  not null,
MName nvarchar(50),
MPassword nvarchar(50),
MType nvarchar(50)

--2.Course details Table

create table CourseDetails      
Cdid int primary key identity  not null,
CourseName nvarchar(200),
Duration nvarchar(20),
CourseFee nvarchar(15),
Offer nvarchar(200),
Tax nvarchar(15),
TotalFee nvarchar(15),
LumpSum nvarchar(15),
Instalment nvarchar(15),
CourseType nvarchar(15)

select from (--4.MemberLogin Table) to (CourseType nvarchar(15) )) .now click on exicute query.if you click exicute query
without select the line you will get error

now you created the tables
to see the content of these table use select query

select * from Student
select * from CourseDetails

now you can see, there is no data in these we have to use 'insert' command to insert data in to tables

insert into MemberLogin values('Admin','Admin','Admin')
insert into MemberLogin values('renju','renju','Staff')

we don't have to insert mid,becaue it is the primary will incriment automatically.

to see the content of these table use select query again

select * from Student

now you can see datas in this table

now if you want to update the content you can use update query

update MemberLogin set MType='faculty'where mid=2

this will update the mtype of the row which has mid =2

now if you want to delete that row you

delete from MemberLoginwhere sid=2

it will delete the 2nd row

These are the four basic commands of sql.

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